Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On the Holy Family (from Sean)

Peace of the risen Lord be with you brothers and sisters!

So I was just reading Pope Benedict’s homily from when he celebrated mass in Nazareth last Thursday and I came across something that struck me. So I am going to share it with you.

Finally, in contemplating the Holy Family of Nazareth, we turn to the child Jesus, who in the home of Mary and Joseph grew in wisdom and understanding, until the day he began his public ministry. Here I would simply like to leave a particular thought with the young people here. The Second Vatican Council teaches that children have a special role to play in the growth of their parents in holiness (cf. Gaudium et Spes, 48). I urge you to reflect on this, and to let the example of Jesus guide you, not only in showing respect for your parents, but also helping them to discover more fully the love which gives our lives their deepest meaning. In the Holy Family of Nazareth, it was Jesus who taught Mary and Joseph something of the greatness of the love of God his heavenly Father, the ultimate source of all love, the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name (cf. Eph 3:14-15).

I will repeat the Pope’s words: REFLECT ON THIS. I thank God for giving us such a wonderful and blessed man to be our Pope. Please keep the Pope in your prayers and his intentions. Along the lines of keeping holy men in your prayers, why don’t we say some prayes for Fr. Willie this week, or even throughout the summer.

I pray right now that God bless each and every one of you and that our Blessed Mother surrounds with you with her mantle of love. I pray right now that your heart be open to the holy Spirit and that He may work through you this week. I pray right now that the love and peace of Jesus Christ radiate in your hearts, in your faces, and in your smiles to all those who you come in contact with this week. Amen.

Your brother in Christ,


P.S. If you were interested in reading the Pope’s homily in its entirety here is the link:

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Sort of going along with that theme of evangelization, my Lebanon pastor gave a really neat homily on Tuesday at daily mass.
He was talking about the reading from Acts in which Paul and Silas are imprisoned and the Lord literally sets them free. My pastor remarked on how focused they were, and went on to talk about a group our bishop tried to establish called Emmaus where priests would get together and faith-share. He told us that even among priests, it is not always easy to have a deep spiritual conversation, and that we talk about everything else except faith.
He suggested that rather than start quoting scripture or being evangelical in a way that turns people off, just use a homily or something you read as a jumping off point for saying "What do you think about that?"
I know I often find it difficult to witness within my family because 1)They know me a certain way and don't necessarily see the internal growth for which I'm striving, and when I want to discuss "profound" things they don't perceive me as sincere, and 2) Because specifically with my parents I don't always feel it's "my place" to comment on their spirituality, even if I intend to do so respectfully. I felt like the combination of Pope Benny's acknowledgement of our extraordinary role as disciples with this Homily gave me something to chew on this week. I hope it gives you something on which to reflect as well.