Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Bible Study: The Book of Job

Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ! This summer we will be going through the book of Job together. It is my goal that we read a couple of chapters each week and by the time we are ready to return to IUP we will have completed the book. Since we are doing an Old Testament book for our Bible study it is going to be a little different. This isn't going to be like one of the Gospel where we hear Jesus speak directly to us or one of the Epistles where we are instructed on how to live Christian lives. This book reads much more like a novel which may present us with some challenges as the summer progresses. However, this book will reveal to us Gods nature in its own unique way and reading scripture is always enlightening and fruitful.

I do not want this blog to about recapping the chapters we are reading each week. That would be boring and an insult to your intelligence. Rather, I want this to be a place where you can bring your questions you have about the text, things you learned, and things that the holy Spirit has revealed to you in your readings.

Here are two websites where you can find the Bible online. The footnotes may be of interest and may help answer some of your questions. Also, the one has an introduction to the Book of Job if you are interested in reading that if your Bible at home does not have one.

I look forward to reading your comments and hearing what God whispers in your hearts. I only ask that you try and keep your posts as brief and concise as possible. By all means, say what you need to say, but remember we will be reading a couple of chapters a week and then everyone else's post's and that may begin to add up.

So without further ado, we will be reading chapters 1-3 this week (and the Introduction if you feel so inclined). Take your time reading them and prayerfully consider what you want to post. We have all week to talk about these three chapters and again, I look forward to hearing from all of your!

Be a blessing!
